Written by Kerstie Blue
If you are stuck in a lifestyle, job, or relationship that you loathe, the only thing you know for sure is what you do not want. This feeling can be overwhelming and sometimes initiate the occasional panic attack. It's not fun to be miserable – plain and simple. On your bad days, you feel like you’re out of control. On your good days, you want to make things happen in your life. And between it all, you want to make your own decisions and feel empowered.

Whether your “everything is perfect” fantasy life feels like a big dream or a little dream – a daydream, perhaps – you want to be able to make it happen: to have the time, the autonomy, and the energy. You’re in a space, and you’ve been in this space for a while, where you feel like so much of your life is just about giving. It’s just giving away and giving away and it’s supposed to make you feel good. This is how you were raised. It’s what you were told would make you a Good Person.
But lately, you feel guilty because you don’t want to be constantly giving your time away to things that you don’t want to give it to. Such things may include, the job that you hate, the responsibility you took on but it doesn’t match who you are at your core, or even the little tasks that drove you mad but you sacrificed and did them for your beloved. Realizing this, reflecting back with just a smidgen of regret and remorse, you decide you want to be focused on yourself. You want to be making your own decisions.
You want to be autonomous. You want to call the shots. You want to be the CEO of your own life. You already have the vision. Now, you want the resources. You want to have the ability to make things grow and to manifest the things that you dream of. You want to become your own version of what a Good Person is, without sacrificing yourself any longer.

You want things to be better for not just other people, but also for yourself in the process. I see you. I was you. I am you. What you are feeling is okay. There is nothing selfish about anything that you desire. You are allowed to want better for yourself. You are allowed to be filled to the brim, totally fulfilled. You are allowed to show up with the most energy and be super stoked about your life. In fact, listening to and respecting these yearnings is the most self-less thing you can do.
Mentioned previously, we were all taught that giving to others is the “right” thing to do. Which, it is – but first, you must position yourself to be abundantly in good health and overflowing. You must be sustainable in your own right before turning outward. How many injured workers push off getting help until they are in chronic pain that is nearly irreparable? At that point, the family loses a major source of income and the worker bears the emotional burden of no longer being able to provide for the family. If that person had reported the injury when it happened, recovery could have been much quicker, cheaper, and less painful, resulting in less downtime of not being able to provide. The same general metaphor also applies to your life satisfaction. When you’re allowing yourself to suffer on a recurring basis for the good of others, there will be a point where you are no longer willing to suffer. How long will your recovery take?
Before you hit your breaking point, you need to equip yourself with the proper assistance. You need to be able to harness your own energy, your own inspiration, your own drive, and actually make things happen for the change you crave. But how do you do this when you likely don’t know how to move to the next step? You may not have any sense of direction of where to go – an arrow goes nowhere without a target.
Believe it or not, the bullseye you seek was pre-determined by your soul, and the map to it was created before you were born. For the last 30 years, Human Design has been helping people across the globe uncover this blueprint. Human Design is a spiritual science that contains the guide to your most fulfilling life. It highlights not just your personality traits, but also your subconscious habits and the purpose they serve, your purpose in life, your energy type, and the unique communication style of your intuition.

People who have learned to work with their design have experienced miracles in their personal lives, work lives, and relationships. Women and men alike have been able to find the strength to face their deepest desires and act on them. Using this tool, I have helped people connect to their true purpose, choose the most aligned next step in their career, accept and love themselves like never before, and even dissolve conflict in one fell swoop. Learning your own aspects of your design will provide you the clarity you’re seeking, no doubt. It's time to jump in the driver’s seat of your own life and fully own it. It’s time for you to work with your unique design, too.
You are allowed to want better for yourself – even when you don’t know exactly what that looks like. To start your journey of working with this blueprint, I offer introductory Human Design readings that assist in acquainting you with your soul. We take a look at your energy type and intuition style and use this to decode your purpose in life. This provides direction and a roadmap for you to aim your arrow closer to the bullseye, providing certainty and satisfaction through a path that is specifically designed for you. So, tell me, are you ready to make your dream a reality?
