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Ways to Make Your Office Space More Wellness-Friendly

Written by Bloom Magazine

Your work space, whether it's a corporate cubicle or a home office, should be both comfortable and healthy. By prioritizing your well-being in addition to your work, you can achieve a balance that leads to productivity, fulfillment, and happiness. So, if your current office environment is lacking, don't worry! With these tips, you can turn it into a wellness oasis and feel great while working. Let's get started!


Not only do some studies show that essential oils can lower cortisol levels, spark energy, or cleanse the air of toxins, but they also smell really freaking good! And they totally set the mood for starting your day. Consider diffusing energizing scents like peppermint or orange and see if that feels good! It certainly can't hurt. If you share your space with others who aren't fans, use the oils on your skin (wrists or temples) for a boost when needed.


If you're one of those people with 12 notepads on your desk, listen up: that's clutter! And clutter is a quick road to unnecessary stress and unorganized biz. That's why we love our 90-day planner. It's everything you need for goal setting, jotting down notes, and setting your schedule all in one place (among several other amazing resources!). You can kiss those other notebooks goodbye…or at least save them in an organized drawer! The same goes for any other paperwork clutter on your desk. Find a way to simplify that stuff, and you'll immediately open up more brain space for the good stuff!


Before you end work for the day, take 2 minutes to clear your desk. Bring that lingering coffee cup down, shut down windows on your computer, and even take this time to sanitize your devices 1x a week. That way, you'll start your mornings with a clean slate and won't have to worry about cleaning your desk each a.m. Wake up, build your empire, and repeat!


We're only talking about noise from the dog barking or loud music if that's conducive to your productivity. We're talking about some sense of calming white noise or music to drown out outside noises that may be a distraction. You might have heard of ‘the Mozart effect' in which a study shows that listening to classical music can improve your brain and increase productivity. There's actually a lot of music shown to do that, and it's one way to set a vibe in your working space. Spotify has an entire ‘Focus' category, from Piano to Spa Music to French Café. Then there's Nosili, a site we think is genius, especially with so many people working from home during the pandemic! Noisli is a site that lets you customize your background noise. With options from the chatter of a coffee shop to nature sounds, you can choose whatever feels best to you depending on your task! By the way, noise-canceling headphones are another must when you need to buckle down and focus. They're great if you're sharing an office with others, too!


Find ways to add positive affirmations to your space to boost your mood and confidence surrounding work. Maybe it’s your favorite quote as the background of your computer, a cute mug, or a vision board you have hanging. Or maybe it's as simple as a post-it note you've left for yourself. Make it work for you!

Ahhhh, don't you feel better already? I do!

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