Written by Nickcola Wallace
The Casablanca Flower, Oriental Lily, or Casablanca Lily, whatever you choose to call this living plant, most people would agree on one word to describe it-Elegant.
The Meaning
As many already know, the Casablanca lily is a symbol of celebration. It can mark a milestone, an achievement, and of course love. They are a support in most special junctures that applaud the exultation of living. It's symbolic of joy and additionally gratitude towards others. It's an excellent gift to speak for you when words may fail. According to historians, it can be noted that at the time of the Roman era, “the Romans would fill their pillows and quilts with sweet-scented lily flowers. The flower became synonymous with the feelings of love and affection. The Victorians continued this tradition of presenting women lovers with lily flowers, making the lily a sign of pure love”.
Taking the meaning of the Casablanca lily for inspiration, we can practice self-love, which is so important in our industry of workers' compensation. We spend so many hours of our day, each day, caring for our injured workers if we truly are trying to be successful in this industry. In striving to be successful, are we hitting the pause button to reflect and self-love ourselves?
Ask yourself “am I celebrating myself”?
Not only for ourselves but celebrating others who gave us that little push or encouragement along our career path. In keeping the theme of Bloom Magazine, “inspired by purpose...” (https://www.justbloomco.com/bloommagazine), let's do that. For a moment lets, let this elegant flower inspire our purpose.
The Look
For this article's sake, let's call our Casablanca “she”. She’s a noticeable beauty in a bouquet. She resembles the horn of a trumpet, being blown towards the sky. If you see her in a bouquet, she’s standing tall and away from the rest so you have no choice but to notice her. She doesn’t care about the other flowers surrounding her, she stands high embracing her individualism. Inspired? This flower look is something that's achievable for ourselves. At the next conference or team meeting, try the Casablanca look out. Hold your head high, unapologetically stand out, offer your opinions, and thoughts, and don’t be afraid to be your authentic self. Believe that your individualism is what makes you a thing of beauty amongst your peers.
She is like a water lily, because in the most hostile waters she blooms."-Ana Soulful