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Kendall Taylor: Loss Control Manager at Waste Pro USA

Written by Bloom Magazine

Tell us a bit about what you do?

I am the Loss Control Manager for Waste Pro USA, Inc. I handle all WC claims from cradle to grave.

What motivates you to come into work every day?

Every day is a blessing and I don’t take any of them for granted. As far as work, getting injured employees back to the way they were when they came to work.

What does a typical week in your work look like?

Some days they start at 4 a.m. with a bad accident or end at 9 p.m. No day is ever the same. Claims…

How long have you been doing it?

I have been at W. Pro for 16 years.

What kind of projects are you working on right now?

Getting ready for a claims review. Go over all the open claims for every region with every team every three months.

What's your favorite part of the job?

No day is ever the same. Constantly learning new thing.

As a woman leader managing a team of professionals, what have been the main challenges you have faced?

Luckily in my company, we are viewed equally. I would say in my prior life in the construction industry, it took a lot longer for people to respect you. You definitely had to work harder.

How do you think being a woman impacts your leadership style?

You can be compassionate with our injured employees. I think just listening and actually hearing people rather than talking over them, always gets you farther.

How important is it for women to empower, support, and lift each other up, and what does that mean to you?

I love all the ladies I get to work with every day. We have many women in leading roles and we bounce ideas off each other.

Did you always want to work in this field?

No clue that I would end up here, but sure glad I did! We have grown so much over the past 16 years. New states with new laws. Always learning and always growing.

What skills are the most important for your job?

I am a big believer in getting everybody on the same page. When we have claims that are problems, I get Div. mgr, Safety mgr, HR, adjuster, and our attorney on call – that way we are always coming at something as a united front.

What has changed the most about the field since you started?

The laws change daily. Make sure you are adhering to everything in each state.

What do you see as the major issues/ trends in the field today?

More attorney billboards mean more people suing. I do my best to give them the best care possible so we don’t end up there.

What’s one thing everyone should know about you that they might not already know?

I am a big animal activist. I am always collecting treats, fundraising, and helping all the local shelters (among many other charities).

Can you tell us about one accomplishment with your career or family that you are most proud of?

I Co-Chair an event called Doubles for Dreams. We send local either severely injured or terminal children on their dream vacation.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?

I would say leaving a prior career that most people would only be dreaming of having and coming to a career that makes me happy.

What’s inspiring you in life right now?

Helping others – ALWAYS!

What is the best career advice you ever received?

My dad always told me “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Put them first and they will always take care of you. Helped me both in business and personal.

What are your hobbies?

Spending time with mom, fundraising, and tennis.

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but you’ve been too scared to do?


What are three words that describe you?

Faithful, Fun, and Caring.

What’s something you notice about someone when you first meet them?

Their smile/energy.


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