Written by Mari Diaz

Have you heard of the idea of having a wellness toolkit that helps you feel supported and grounded?
What's helping you to function lately? You know, the things that help keep you sane when you're on the verge of falling apart? It could be journaling, reading, yoga, or watching your favorite movie. We all need supportive tools in our lives, especially when the world seems to be on the brink of collapse week in and week out. The concept of a wellness toolkit isn't a new one. It's been around for decades and is proven to be effective. The idea of having a tool kit that helps you feel supported and grounded is an approach you can use in the physical sense of wellness and with your emotions. So what is a wellness toolkit? Well, it can be many different things. The possibilities are endless: a physical toolkit, a journal, a collection of items that you find particularly soothing or uplifting. The importance will ultimately depend on the person using the kit. If it helps them feel better and live happier life, then it's definitely a wellness tool in its own right.

Here's what's in my current wellness toolkit:
Sound Healing. I've been spending a few minutes a day doing some sound healing. Sound healing is an ancient practice that many people find beneficial, including achieving a state of relaxation, relieving pain, and unblocking energy flow in the body.
Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is one of my favorite meditation techniques. It helps reduce stress and promote better sleep. I can't live without it! During Yoga Nidra, you enter a highly regenerative meditative state where you can restore and rejuvenate your body, heal and recover from illness, and rewire your brain for greater mental clarity.
Earthing. I love this one, too. Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that bodily contact with the Earth's natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being. Such effects are profound, systemic, and foundational.
Music. It heals everything, right?
Walking. I love walking. I walk for thirty minutes daily, which is a big part of my life.
Brain Dumping. A life changer! I do this daily, which has helped me see things in a new light and realize what is really important to me. It's a must! Brain dumping is a productivity tool that can help you achieve more in less time. It helps you focus on the essentials and get rid of everything else!
Essential oils are also part of my toolkit! I couldn't live without them — especially lavender.
Herbal Teas! This is another big part of my life, not only as an herbalist. My teas heal and nourish me every day! I drink tea daily and couldn't live without it. - Ashwagandha and chamomile are one of my absolute favorite herbs.
Social media detoxes. As a marketer, I use social media regularly. However, it's important to take breaks from social media on weekends. This is something I actually look forward to.

I also packed my kit with pj's, candles, books, fluffy slippers, and a whole bunch of flowers!
When you're feeling stressed, turn to your wellness toolkit and see what sounds good to you at the moment. Your wellness toolkit will continue to grow and change over time, so be sure to update it with new discoveries and remove anything that isn't working for you anymore.
Figure out what makes you feel good AND DO THAT! Do it often. Every day. Find a focus, something that lights you up. Work on that as much as possible. Smile at yourself Every time you pass a mirror. In fact, just SMILE right now. (that's better) The truth is, there is no secret formula for getting Back on track. BUT There is a unique code for each of us. To find that code, you must listen To Your Soul. It will lead you to your happy place.
